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“Dean Elliott is a man with a true compassion for missions and helping those who are in missions’ home and abroad. You won't find a man with a greater heart for God's plan and God's people.”

              -Dr. Gordon D. Aikin, Senior Pastor- Central Assembly of God, Muskegon, MI    Assemblies of God, Michigan District Council Executive Presbyter

“I have known Dean since his youth and had the privilege of seeing his spiritual growth and development.  The call of God became apparent in his life as a young man and he pursued missions’ evangelism, traveling with people of profile such as David andBeth Grant. 

Dean’s passion for the lost was then expressed through church planting and home missions in Michigan.  Today there is a congregation in Kentwood, Michigan as a direct result of Dean’s leadership and the support of his wife Brenda.  Dean pastored the Southeast people. Valley Assembly of God for over eleven years, giving pastoral leadership and imparting missions and evangelistic vision.  He also served the Assemblies of God, Michigan District, as Presbyter and Secretary/ Treasurer.

Dean and Brenda are serving once again where their vision is still aflame for missions and evangelism.  They are people of integrity and models of Christ’s love.  I am happy to commend this couple for any venue of ministry related to missions and evangelism.  They are quality people.        
            -M. Wayne Benson, President and Founder of Paraclete Ministries- Huntsville, AL    
(Former President and CEO of Emerge Ministries, Akron, Ohio- President of Central Bible College, Springfield, MO; and Senior Pastor- First Assembly of God, Grand Rapids, MI)


“Dean has a passion that’s clearly articulated in his ministry and preaching… he will challenge you and your congregation to go beyond hearing- to doing!”                                                

              -Bob Holmes, Senior Pastor- Christian Life Center, Lowell, MI, Assemblies of God, Michigan District Presbyter


“Dean Elliott loves his calling.  He always has a glowing delight in all he does.  He is a man with a heart for missions’ evangelism and continues to create new ways to perpetrate the gospel.  Dean’s style is a magnet to those of us who have watched him up close as he works for his God.”                                                                
              -Dave Kyllonen, HomeFire Family Ministries, Harrisburg, PA

“Thank you for your strong leadership on the Presbyter board.  You have been mightily used of God in serving your, section and our fellowship as a whole.  And you have been a wonderful blessing to me.  Your love, support, counsel, and involvement have been an investment in me.

I will miss fellowshipping with you at the Presbyter Meetings.  Marilynn and I count you and Brenda as dear friends.  I know I speak for the ministers and churches of the Michigan District when I express our love, appreciation and best wishes on your ministry in the days ahead, should Jesus tarry.”

               -Bill Leach, District Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Michigan District


 “The ministry of Dean Elliott has impacted our lives and church for over 26 years now here in Paris; we are grateful for his involvement and his passion for missions.  He has also been a real blessing as he has ministered to our family every time he has been with  us.”                                

         -Henry Linderman, 37 year Veteran Missionary to Paris, France


“Dean & Brenda have a heart unto missions with experience and an understanding of the mission field and the local church; Dean is able to bring them together in a way where they both can benefit.”

                     -G. L “Jack” Strom- President of Trinity Bible College, Ellendale North Dakota; Founder and CEO of Strom Ministry Concepts, Naples, FL


  ”Your presentation of CT Studd was magnificent!  You really brought to life the legendary missionary.  Thanks for inspiring and motivating us, Dean.” 

                        -Dave Williams- Senior Pastor- Mount Hope Church and International Outreach Ministries, Lansing, MI   Assistant District Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Michigan District  


 “Dean has already been a significant help and encouragement to me as a new missionary getting my footings in the support raising process.”  

                           - New Missionary to a Sensitive Country  


Our Address is...

Abounding Hope
Dean & Brenda Elliott
7269 Southwood Ave.
Byron Center, MI 49315

Office: 616.291.3438

dean@aboundinghope.com  or   info@aboundinghope.com

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